While by no means exhaustive, here’s a look at October dates that are significant for pagans from around the world. If you’d like to suggest a date I have missed, please let me know. If you’d like more notable dates, holy days and feasts, I recommend shirleytwofeathers.com and hellion.org
10/01 - Full Moon (Hunter’s Moon, Blood Moon, Harvest Moon, Dying Grass Moon)
10/01 - Festival of Chang’e (Chinese) (also Moon Festival)
10/01 - Festival of Fides (Roman)
10/04 - Feast day of Orunmila/Orula (Yoruba, Cuban Santeria, Haitian Vodou)
10/04 - Feast day of St. Frances of Assisi
10/06 - Day of Bad Omens
10/09 - Festival of Fausta Felicitas (Roman)
10/12 - Birthdate of Aleister Crowley 1875
10/13 - Mercury Retrograde begins
10/16 - New/Dark Moon
10/17 - Deipnon of Hekate (Hellenic)
10/18 - Noumenia (Hellenic)
10/19 - Agathos Daimon (Hellenic)
10/25 - Feast day of Erinle (Yoruba, Cuban Santeria, Haitian Vodou)
10/28 Celtic Tree Month Reed begins
10/29-31 Vetrnaetr/Winternights (Norse/Heathen)
10/31 - Samhain (Celtic)
10/31 Blue Moon (2nd full moon of October)
10/31 - Beltane (Southern Hemisphere)