Hermes Handmade Beeswax Candles


Hermes Handmade Beeswax Candles


Hermes, the Greek mesenger to the Gods, rules over thieves and tricksters, teachers and magicians. Both mischievous and wise, Hermes is a Gemini, an air sign. Our understanding of the duality of Gemini deepens when we know that Anubis, Corvus, Ganesha, Hermes, Inari, Loki, Raven, Thoth, and Odin/Wotan, are all deities of Mercury; dualistic Gods that skirt the line between light and dark.

Wednesday is Hermes’ day. The throat chakra falls under Herme’s mercurial influence so it should come as no surprise that words, speeches, powers of communication are within his purvey. Hermes also rules over commerce, healing, logic, sciences, rational mind, and travel.

Hermeticmagick includes glamoury, clarity, wisdom, communication, travel, contacting the Underworld and other deities, trickery, theft, deception, invisibility and healing.

Prairie Fire’s Hermes Beeswax Candles are each hand dipped 27 times, and have clean burning hemp wicks.

DO NOT LEAVE CANDLES BURNING UNATTENDED. Keep wicks trimmed to 1/4 inch and place candles on heat proof surfaces when burning.

This purchase is for one pair ofHermes hand dipped candles.

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