Mars Ritual Anointing Oil

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Mars Ritual Anointing Oil


This is not a perfumed oil. It does not contain fragrance oils or essential oils.

Mars’ planetary aspects are usually thought of as “war-like” and aggressive, but there’s more to the red planet than those energies. Named for the Greek god of war Ares, and romanized later to Mars, the Egyptians knew this planet as one of five “Stars Which Know No Rest", referring to the planets which were always visible in the night sky in Ancient Egypt. They called Mars “Red Horus”, an aspect of their falcon-headed God.

Ares sided with his father Zeus against his great-grandmother and the Giants in the Gigantomachy, helping the gods of Olympus reign supreme. Later in Roman mythology, Mars sees Rhea Silvia drawing water at a spring in his sacred grove, and makes love to her, siring Romulus and Remus who go on to found the city of Rome. Julius Caesar, when listing popular deities of Gaul in his Gallic War , renames them in what he assumed to be their Roman counterparts, but Mars for the Gauls was likely Nodens, not just a god of war, but also a healer and a guardian.

And while today Mars planetary magic and astrology largely plays to those war-like qualities, we can use those in a number of ways:

  • Adding masculine energy to a working

  • Defense and attack

  • Gaining strength and courage

  • Stopping or reversing binding spells

  • Working with deities of war and destruction

  • Sexual magick

  • In workings against the influence of Venus and the Moon

  • For motivation and overcoming laziness

  • Domination

  • Instigating change

  • Victory/Success

  • Working with righteous indignation

Red is the color of Mars. His hours are dawn and His day is Tuesday.

Deities with a Mars association include Athena, Ares, Mars, Kali, Macha, Medb, Shiva, Isis, Horus, the Furies, the Morrigan and Odin.

This purchase is for one 1-oz glass dropper bottle of Mars Ritual Anointing Oil. While all ingredients are natural, please do a skin test if using on yourself. This is not a perfumed oil.

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