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Earl Grey Martini

I don’t have enough fucks to give at the close of this day, so here’s my messy desk and a glorious cocktail. It’s so good in fact that I’m not sure if this or a Sidecar is my favorite but at this moment, it’s this one. This is an Earl Grey martini, and while my desk is a shambles, the cocktail is sublime. Here’s what you need:

2 cups vodka

2 tbsp Earl Grey tea (bags are fine)

3/4 oz Italicus bergamot liqueur

3/4 oz fresh lemon juice

Dash of Peychaud’s bitters

Sugar for the rim

Infuse your vodka by adding your Earl Grey tea and let it steep for an hour. No longer or it’ll be bitter. Strain it. You’ll have enough for later and you’ll be glad.

Pour 2 oz of your infused vodka, Italicus, lemon juice, and bitters into a shaker. Add ice and give it a good shake. Rub a bit of lemon juice on your glass rim and dip into sugar. Strain into your glass and garnish with a strip of lemon zest.

If you can’t get your hand on the Italicus, a bit of simple syrup works fine; it just won’t be as complex.

Happy Saturday. 🍸